A spot I never thought I’d be at


Hi all,

Well here I am. Nearly 9 years in a relationship, and I find out my bf had sex with another woman a year ago. Nothing emotional, just an opportunity that presented itself and he took it (which, perhaps shocking to some, I do believe). Nonetheless, I have only ever been with this man. And by that I mean first kiss, first love, first everything. High school sweethearts.

As expected I’ve been a jumble of emotions all week. Rage, hurt, confusion, etc.

Perhaps against what most would advise, I want to try and make this work. He’s been in my life for so long and I love him. He’s willing to put in the work and do anything I have in mind to make amends.

Yes, maybe I’m a fool for trying to make this work, but I can’t help but think I’d be a bigger fool for not even trying.

So what I’m looking for is someone who has been in a similar situation as me, and made the relationship work. Not really looking for people to tell me I should move on. Thanks all. 💙