Extreme anxiety about pregnancy and labor

Hi everyone,

I have chronic, very high constant anxiety, especially around health. I do yoga and talk therapy but it doesn’t feel like it’s enough. I prefer not to take medication has it can have side effects in pregnancy. I have always pictured myself having several children but have been so beyond words afraid of the process. I have now been married for several years and have put this off for long enough because of the fear. I am extremely afraid of things going wrong and not knowing what being pregnant is like, the labor process, hospitals give me major anxiety (the smell, seeing sick people, etc.). I also feel uncomfortable around doctor offices, the whole medical shebang. I literally feel like I can’t do it but I know it’s my fear getting in the way, if others can do it why can’t I. Can someone give me any kind of advice who was maybe in a similar situation and was able to successfully become pregnant and everything was good. I am so afraid that the thought of becoming pregnant makes me so anxious yet I want to have kids and my husband really wants. I would appreciate any uplifting advice that would ease my mind. I am running out of time to keep waiting. Thank you for reading this!