10 months postpartum still breastfeeding


Okay ladies...I am 10 months pp after my 3rd boy and still breastfeeding my son and have not had a period yet. My husband and I have sex regularly. Tuesday early morning we had sex-nothing too crazy or wild. That morning until mid day or so when I wiped after peeing I had light pinkish mucusy discharge. Never spotted on my panties only after peeing. At first I thought it could be my period coming back...I’ve been super sleepy and cramping like it. But never had a flow. Now, today- Thursday, I had another hue of pink mucus when I wiped but only the one wipe, it was gone for the second wipe. None since then. Still cramping like my period. But now I’m freaking out that it could be implantation spotting and pregnancy symptoms...how am I supposed to know when I haven’t had a period yet?? Ahhhh. Or maybe it was just the sex that irritated me and caused a light bleed?? Anyone have any insight on this? Thank you.