Was about to hook up with this guy, when...

I went on a 3rd date with this guy, and I decided tonight was gonna be the night when I hook up. I was horny and he was beautiful. He seemed to be a decent person. When we go to his house he quickly starts making out with me and groping me. He was being a bit rough, but I was getting into it. He then takes off his shirt and we start kissing. Then I see a tattoo on his upper shoulder. This man had a SWASTIKA NAZI TATTOO ON HIS FUCKING SHOULDER! I asked wtf that was and he said " What? I got my beliefs, you got yours." I told him he could have his beliefs but I'm not sleeping with a Nazi. He laughed and said "Okay. Get out of my house you ugly bitch. I called a lyft. Blocked him on everything and now I'm home just dumbfounded. I've had some bad hook up in the past but this was just, fuck!