Blaming me

My in laws are crazy. We never see them. They have so many issues that we’ve chosen to not see them. But prior to that we saw them rarely because they just didn’t seem to care. My husband got a text from them today saying that he’s a different person when I’m around and that they wish he wasn’t married to me.

You guys my husband is an amazing man. He is the best husband, the best father. His dad is on his 6th known affair. My mother in law frequently has conversations with these women because she thinks being friends with them means she’s forgiven him. He’s a meth user. He’s destroyed his family. My husband was the one to pay the mortgage as a teenager while his dad was out flaunting his new women and leaving his young children to deal with the fallout. My husband was the one to buy new appliances when they went out because his father didn’t have “any money.” my husband was the one holding the family together until he met me. When he met me he said enough. He chose our family and made us the priority. They continue to lie and manipulate. They’ve done nothing for us. And now they want him to leave me and come back to them. I’m not afraid that he will leave me. But I’m afraid of them breaking him. I’m afraid of them saying such horrible things that he gives in just to make it stop. And I’m powerless to do anything. What do I do?