

What type of prenatals does everyone take? I am currently taking Smarty Pants. But, I ordered the Persona Prenatal Pack and after receiving it I double checked with my OB who told me “all prenatals are the same!” When I asked why she said they only want women taking a prenatal, nothing else. 😬 I feel like the Omega, Mag and everything else they added in would be so beneficial for my growing baby. I understand not taking the probiotic but everything else? I also asked persona, And the NP said They have done extensive research to be sure that all the things that they offer and suggest are safe for long-term use during pregnancy. So I feel like it should be good to take! I know I should follow the dr. Orders but I am just curious if other expecting moms have tried these and had a good outcome...or what other kinds do you take? The “Smarty Pants” aren’t bad at all, I just feel I could be doing more...