My husband wants to wait now

Nicole • 27 year old // 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 // Christopher 10/24/2018 // Jacqueline 02/28/2020

We had a pregnancy scare this past month (still taking pregnancy tests to be safe). And I thought I wasn’t ready but now I’m feeling ready to have another. Brought it up to my husband and he wants to wait at least another year and has given two excuses - wanting to wait until we buy our first house (something we wanted to do in two years from now) and wanting me to get a new job (I’m in school for the next 8 months to finish my degree and am thinking about applying to new jobs after that). I’m an Registered Nurse getting my BSN. He doesn’t want me getting pregnant until I at least finish school. He gave those two excuses at different times when I brought this up. I literally work at a high paying job now, and we live in a 3 bedroom house and could figure out space. I feel heartbroken. Any body else wanting to start ttc and SO doesn’t?