
Michelle • 4.30.14❤️ 💍 Traveler ✈️ Goat/Dog mom 🐶🐐 Trying for baby #1 👶🏼

First off sorry if this is on the wrong thread I’m just trying to get opinions and no one will answer!

December 18-21 period

January- 5th positive opk

January 21-25 EXPECTED PERIOD ( I missed it)

January 29- another positive opk took it off a whim just to see if it was going to come back positive

As of now currently SUPER LATE or 7dpo

Has anyone had this happen to them?

Did you end up pregnant or did your period end up coming?

I’ve been off birth control over a year now. This was our first cycle actually trying.

I’m going to talk to my doctor to get provera to jump start my period, would you wait another 7 days and wait it out and see if I just ovulated late or go ahead and take it?