Not Covid!

I posted the other day that my little had a fever of 102.7 with no other symptoms. Later that night I checked her temperature and it was 103.8... I got her out of bed and to the emergency room.

They seemed very concerned and glad I took her in. They gave her a double dose of ibuprofen and Tylenol together to get her fever down. Immediately did a Covid test and a flu test. They both came back negative! Which is great but they didn’t do anything else to find out what was actually wrong with her. The doctor came in and said it’s not Covid you can go home. It was 2:30 in the morning I was ready to just go home so we left.

The next morning her pediatrician calls to check in and see how she was doing. Her fever was still around 103 even with rotating Tylenol and ibuprofen. So she wanted her to go in. I get off work and take her to the doctor. They will only allow 1 parent in there and no siblings because of Covid so my husband stayed home with our oldest.

She mashes on her belly, looks in her ears, checks her nose and eyes and throat. The only thing irritated was her throat. They do a strep test. Negative... she talked about testing for a uti but she didn’t want to have to catheter her. So she didn’t.

Now she still has a high fever even with around the clock meds. No additional meds from the doctor. She’s not sleeping or eating or drinking unless I put water in a medicine syringe and give it to her. I literally have been doing that all day!

The said if she’s still not better Monday they’ll do more tests...

I know this was long for no reason. If you’re still reading thank you! I’m proud of you and you’re a great mom!!