Low Fertilization Rate


Egg retrieval was yesterday and we got the fertilization report from our doctor this morning. Of the 8 retrieved, 7 were mature but only 3 successfully fertilized. ☹️ Of the 4 that didn’t, 2 were likely egg quality issues, and 2 were due to sperm unable to fertilize. My husband has low morphology (0-2%), so I guess it’s not incredibly surprising, but I kind of thought they’d be able to find enough normal ones that the morph wouldn’t still have such a direct impact with ICSI. Has anyone else with sperm issues had similarly low fertilization rates?

Our next update from the lab won’t be until day 5- Thursday morning (supposed to do fresh transfer that same day, if we have any). Doctor thinks 1-2 blastocysts is most likely scenario, but obviously 0 is a real possibility. I think this will be the worst wait out of our journey so far.