TTC/ something else?


I took a blood sugar test a couple of days ago as my mom has a thing to do it due to being diabetic. (I am not diabetic, I have been tested.)

My blood sugars were 6 which is normal but my mom mentioned that my blood was thin? Not massively but it wasn’t normal thickness.

Well, anyway. I started vitamins around 5 days ago now and me and my partner have had unprotected sex, too. I didn’t think of it like that because at that point, I wasn’t trying to conceive as such.

Today, I noticed I had very small marks on my stomach, red lines. They appear to be stretch marks. I’ve felt off for a couple of days too.

I looked up what could cause blood thinning and pregnancy actually came up, that it affected 10% or something.

I’m going to take a test anyway but what do you guys think? Does that seem reliable or am I overreacting?

Thank you.