Day 8: Happy Black History Month


Day 8: Everybody knows about Bill Gates and Steve Jobs but do you know about Philip Emeagwalie. He is the "Bill Gates of Africa". He was born in Nigeria in 1954 he went to school up into the age of 14 where he dropped out due to the Nigerian civil war. However Mr. Emeagwalie was incredibly smart he solved 100 math questions in one hour and received a bachelor degree in math from Oregon state university in 1977, a master degree in ocean and marine engineering in 1986 and a second master in applied mathematics. He also studied for his PhD at the University of Michigan but his thesis was not accepted by the school so he couldn't get his degree, so Mr. Emeagwalie took the case to court explaining to the judge that the University of Michigan violated his civil rights in a number of ways and by holding back his degree he worked so hard for due to his race is a violation of his civil rights. However, the appeal was dismissed. Although that didn't stop him he still continued learning and growing, Philip Emeagwalie invented the world's fastest computer in 1989 he invented an computer with the help of 65,536 microprocessors which was able to perform 1.3 billion calculations per second. This major achievement resulted in Mr. Emeagwalie winning the Gordon Bell prize which is the equivalent to nobel price of computer and engineering.