Would it bother you?

Yesterday my husband came home from work tired. So we ordered pizza and watched the Superbowl. Our baby is breastfed supplimented with formula and a serious mama's boy most of the time. So by default he's usually on me. My husband goes into work earlier than me so I also stay up with the baby and get him to sleep every night. So earlier in the evening I asked him to make bottles for the next day, he's said to have one of our older kids do it (we also have a 15 and 12 year old) and they do help us out sometimes I just don't want to make them help constantly. I asked him to put the left over pizza up but the fridge was full from grocery shopping and he didn't want to fool with it so he mentioned it may not fit and if nothing else we could just put it in the car because it's so cold outside.

Later I mention he hasn't even held the baby today and ask if he's wants to (he had a bottle at the time) he said no, he's eating right now.

On his way to bed I reminded him about the pizza and he responds "I thought you were going to put it in the car?" So I say nevermind, I'll do it.

So he goes to bed without holding the baby at all that day and leaving me to take care of bottles and left overs.

I know he was tired, but no interest in his son is concerning.