Postpartum insomnia?


My daughter is 8 weeks old. Up until last week, I had no problems sleeping at night. Generally when my head hit the pillow, I was out. Even for feedings in the night, I was usually so sleep deprived that I would fall back to sleep immediately.

Last week however, I’ve seemed to have developed insomnia. She only feeds once in the night but after I feed her I’m wide awake and it takes 2-3 hours to fall back asleep. I’m following all the good sleep advice (I only turn on one small light to do her night feeding, I don’t talk or get on my phone at all). I also don’t drink caffeine or alcohol at all during the day. I don’t seem to be thinking or worrying about anything when I can’t fall asleep....I’m just simply wide awake.

From what I’m reading it sounds like postpartum hormones finally return to normal 6-8 weeks after birth so I’m thinking this is a hormonally caused insomnia. Did anyone else experience this? When did it get better for you? I don’t want to get on prescription medication. What did you do to help it?