Having a rough day...

THE Brittany 🦄 • Railroad Wife 🚂 Mommy to Ava Grace (11/28/15) Colton David (3/15/19) #3 (our angel 👼🏻) #4 Layla Rose (10/28/21) and #5 loading 👀

I used to know my body like a book. I knew when I ovulated, what symptoms meant my period was coming, everything.

A week ago I had a chemical. This threw my entire body out of whack. A couple days ago I had severe ovulation pains (or so I thought) but my tests didn’t pick up a positive. (It had dark lines when I started testing so really hoping I didn’t miss the peak. Could it happen while I was bleeding?!)

So now I’m just so confused. Did I ovulate? Am I still waiting to ovulate? When do I have sex? How many DPO am I? If any?

I feel completely lost.