Should my blood sugar be in the 90s after eating? Also is 105 /64 a very low blood pressure ??

So i had GD my last pregnancy and it was always around 150-190. I had to use insulin at the end of my pregnancy.

Wel now I’m 13 weeks and occasionally I check my blood sugars. My baby just turned 1 and around 6 months PP I was waking up to blood sugars around 60-65. My dr was rude about it and said it was fine. Eventually I think it went back to normal but anyways. This morning I ate

- 2 sausage McMuffins

- a hashbrown

- a coffee from Starbucks

- a cake pop

- and an orange juice

And I felt weird. Like. Out of it and at my appt yesterday my blood pressure was 100/64

Which is also weird because my last pregnancy I had hypertension.

I checked my sugars 45 minutes maybe an hour after I ate ( when I had GD they always had me check my sugars an hour after eating ) and it was In the 90’s which I thought was weird because that’s what my fasting number always was and they told me that’s a really good fasting number??? HELP