Recurrent Loss Testing

Lindsay • 28 🌈🌈💖 due 10/31/21!

Looking for some advice. I’m 28, normal height and weight, overall I considered myself healthy.

I had a blighted ovum last July, and had a D&C at 11 weeks. Six months of nothing, and then I had a positive test a few weeks ago. This ended in a chemical pregnancy, about 5 days after my first positive test. I asked my OB for blood work/testing at my appointment, which she agreed to doing. She called today with the results.

Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies: 50IU/mL

T4: 1.2 NG/dL

TSH: 4.13 mlU/L

AMH: 0.94 NG/ml

The reproductive endocrinologist can’t see me until May. In the meantime, I’m scared that I could have more losses if we conceive. If I have a thyroid issue, I probably need medication. I’m not really sure what to do. I’m thinking of calling a few other offices tomorrow to see if they have anything sooner. And with AMH that low, I’m really scared that I don’t have much time left. More miscarriages/cycles = more of my eggs going to waste, and I don’t have many to waste.

Has anyone else had tests come back like this? Any advice? Did you get put on thyroid medication? Were you able to have a successful pregnancy after?

I’m honestly so scared and feeling so hopeless right now.