
Hello all this is my first post in this group as I’m new to my second trimester (14 weeks today). I was wondering if any of you had a higher than average nuchal translucency measurement at your NT scans, and if you went through invasive testing or what your experience has been since.

My baby’s NT measurement was 3.0-3.2mm and they said this is high enough to be a marker for Down syndrome/ other chromosomal abnormalities, or heart defects. I had NIPT test done already which showed lowest risk for everything (1/10,000) but I know that low risk does not mean No risk - Especially with a marker seen on ultrasound, so the NIPT test doesn’t really ease my mind. I’ve been offered the invasive amnio test in two weeks from now. I’m pretty sure I’m not going to go through with it because of the small risk of miscarriage it just really freaks me out. I would like to hear what your experience has been with high NT fluid, if you got further testing done, etc. thank you