House before Baby? Baby before House?


Last night my S/O and I were talking about our future plans and he expressed to me that due to our 5-year age gap (he’s older) he would prefer to have a baby before we build our “forever home”.

I always thought it would be more sensible to at least start building our house before trying to conceive so that we would have a house to bring the baby home to and we wouldn’t have to worry about moving with a little one.

I also feel that if we had a baby first, then it would likely delay our building plans due to expenses and being busy with taking care of a child.

And yes, I’m keeping in mind that we might not conceive right away and it might take longer than we anticipated.

Even with that being said, does it make more sense to start building our house before ttc? I know I would feel more financially secure if we had our house first because we would be able to save up for all of the baby necessities.

I told him I would consider his proposition because I know it’s hard for him to have to make compromises due to our age gap. - what I mean by that is he always imagined being married with kids by the time he was 25. But he’s now 26, unmarried, no children, and I’m 5 years younger than him.

I only have 2 years left of school and then we can do all the adult things lol

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