Dogs got loose, I’m in my night robe and house slippers.


I let my dogs out to go potty quick before we watch the news this morning around 6. My Siberian husky and German Shepard come to the door but then my husky goes back out to the yard. He loves the cold so he wants to stay out constantly. I say come on and he steps back and puts his head to the ground..he’s free. He all of a sudden bolts with my Shepard to god knows where since it’s dark still. I’m in all things not acceptable to be seen in public! Lol so we have a pond and a creek in the back of our house so my dog mom mode was on. I’m in our ranger going through our little town naked under my robe. Lord have mercy after a hour of searching everywhere since we live in the country and on farm land I found him next to a tree trying to climb up. My Shepard was cold so she ran over to me but that little boy decides to try to make an plan to run again. I got them in the ranger. I’m looking around and my neighbors have cameras around there house. I text one of the girls and said hey did you see or hear anything this morning? Since I was yelling for my dogs and on the street saying come here and my robe. Lol she text back and said oh yeah you are half naked in the street yelling at pilot to come here🤦🏼‍♀️ I’m glad someone had a laugh. The whole hour I was crying and hormones are flying since I’m pregnant. I called my husband saying I lost the dogs freaking out since he just got to work. Anywho how’s your Wednesday going!!?