Are you truly living your dream life? Would your younger self approve?

For me, I’ve made some dumb decisions in the past which have impacted me and where I’m at today. I heard what we do today impacts ourself 5 years from now, so my 19 year old self was depressed, hated herself, and destructive. Let lots of unworthy people into her life. Few bad relationships. With that being said, I think my younger self would be so proud I sell my art and have an audience on several apps. My dream as a kid was to be a multimillionaire, business woman, and full time artist/famous. Would she be proud I’m single and living back at my parents house when 20-23 year old me had an apartment and relationship? Maybe not, but everything in my life from that stage in my life had to go. I think my younger self would be happy that I’m laying down stones so my future 30 year old self can thrive and thrive many many many decades beyond that. I think kid version of me would be proud that I no longer settle for ok enough and that self worth is finally recognized. My dream life is right in front of me, a few more steps just need to be taken

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