Growing pains??


20 weeks today.

Yesterday I kind of had a little bit of stomach pain, but it wasn’t as bad as today nor did it last all day like today. I’m hurting so bad. Like it’s not bad bad. But it’s bad enough to not be JUST uncomfortable. I feel better when I lay on my side in fetal position but it doesn’t 100% go away. I’ve been eating and drinking water and emptying my bladder and what not. I don’t know what to do about it. Its not uterus pain or anything. It feel like my intestines or something. It’s like all around my belly button pain. I took a hot shower to try to get my muscles to relax but even to just lift my leg to me to shave, it hurt so much more. But it’s not a severe pain. It’s lasted all day. From the second i woke up, to present time. Suggestions or explanations GREATLY accepted.