Chore chart for a SAHD?


EDIT: I should have added that before he was the SAHD I was the SAHM for about 3-4 months. During that time I still did some basic things like dishes, picking up a bit, and some laundry. I just want the same amount of effort out of him in our switched rolls now, instead of me working AND still doing most if not all house work when I get home as well while he plays games. I am going to be trying to talk to him again about it. Thank you for all input

My husband is currently the stay at home parent with our 16 month old and I'm working 40 (sometimes 48) hours a week full time at a factory. He has back and shoulder problems so manual labor for that long each day is hard for him to do. I dont mind being the working parent, tbh I prefer it. HOWEVER! I dont like working all day and then coming home to him having done nothing or very little. He will sometimes vaccume, do a load of dishes, or do a load of laundry but thats about it (and not all in the same day). He mainly just sits with our daughter and watches youtube videos or plays his video games with her running around and playing. Im thinking of making him a kind of "adult chore list" of things he should be doing daily/weekly/monthly 🤔 but im afraid that it'll come off as me being bossy? Idk. I just want to be able to have him do things around the house without me having to ask or remind him to do. Maybe with this he will see it and think "oh yeah I need to/ should do that today". Thoughts on this or ideas to add? 😅