Toddler behavior

Just wondering what your kids temperaments are like and if anyone had a toddler similar to mine.

My son has always been pretty serious. He’s not one of those happy go lucky kids. Even as a baby he didn’t smile or giggle much. He’s a very determined kid but also gets frustrated and upset very easily.

Now that he’s almost two he is a lot more expressive and goofy but the SMALLEST things set him off, like if you look at him wrong he’ll start crying and get mad. A lot of his tantrums don’t make any sense to me. I’m with him all day every day and will sit with him while he plays and sometimes he’ll just get super mad and start throwing things and screaming for no apparent reason. He’ll be fine one second and super upset the next. I understand when something is frustrating to him but the tantrums out of nowhere baffle me and a lot of time he pushes me away when I try to comfort him or talk to him.

It just feels like he’s frustrated and mad so much of the time and my friends kids are so much more easy going. I know it’s not fair to compare but it’s so exhausting dealing with his big emotions so frequently and I’m at a loss for how to deal with them. I often just let him express whatever he’s feeling and I try to put words to it for him but even me just calmly talking to him seems to make him more upset! If he gets aggressive and hits or keeps throwing his toys I’ll do a brief time-out in his crib and explain why he’s getting a time-out.

Idk what my point in even posting this is... I guess I just want to know if you have a serious/easily frustrated/frequent tantrum throwing toddler too? And if you do how do you deal with their behavior?