Should I be concerned?

So I’m almost 26 weeks with baby 3 and I barely feel movement.

For my third I thought I’d be feeling her everyday sooner then I felt her sisters but that isn’t the case so far.

It’s not that I don’t feel at all, I do. But maybe once-2 times a day for a few seconds.

I went to the doc a few days ago and everything was good(because they didn’t say anything was bad) besides one thing. She said my amniotic fluid was a little less then she would like it to be. She said it was 9cm and at 25weeks it should be more. Even tho she said it’s nothing to worry about yet, I should keep my eyes out for any leaking and drink lots of water. But yeah, not sure if this is normal not to feel baby constantly at this point when I’m less then two weeks away from third trimester.

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