Mamas who gave up breastfeeding...


Did you notice any effect on your mental health once you gave up?

Is it selfish to want to give it away for my own mental health even if “breast is best”?

My little one (4months) is usually fine on the breast. Sometimes she refuses and cries and it gives me mental breakdowns. So I’m always a little on edge before a feed. If she latches well, I enjoy it.

Then there’s the pumping. I do it so my partner can feed her overnight while I sleep. But it’s depressing being wired to the wall. Or going through so many batteries if I don’t hook myself up.

And it’s so stressful to try look after a baby who’s fussing when you can’t lean forward or pick them up properly because you’re pumping.

I’m so tempted to go to formula but I wonder if it’ll make a difference to my mental health?