I got my engagement ring 💍 now for me to get his

Nunya • Anime lover trying to find her way in the world

Hello <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a> land 😊💗

I got engaged yesterday to my wonderful fiancee!!!

My ring is a purple Garnet. With purple my favorite color and Garnet to represent my lovely mother's birthstone (sadly she passed away before she could see this moment physically). But now my fiancee is ready for me to pick his which I'm ready to at any moment!

My issue: I don't know anything about men rings o-o... He told me he wants a ring similar to mine but I don't want just a big purple gem, I really want something special. Any advice would be wonderful!

Thanks in advance!