Did anyone ended with a BFP without having sore boobs?!🥺😂



Hi Ladies,

I'm 11dpo and I cant resist to symptom spot and I'm pinching my boobs already but they dont seem to bother😞 I have only back pain and I have 4 more days till AF! What to you think?!

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Posted at
Im a week into my positive test and my boobs are perfectly fine, my second pregnancy my boobs didnt hurt till after i had my daughter. My first pregnancy i wanted to chop my boobs off they hurt so bad.. Every pregnancy and everyone's body is different. I didnt have any symptoms before i took my test, i figured it was two days before my period and i just took one for the hell of it and it was positive. Good luck, baby dust to you ! ❤


Melissa • Feb 14, 2021
Hope you get your bfp! Xo thank you


Maya • Feb 14, 2021
Thank youuu very much for your response! God, praying I have the same luck as you💌! Wishing you a healthy pregnancy❤️!


Posted at
I don't get sore boobs til way after my bfp. Like 8-9 weeks along


🖤Geraldine💀 • Feb 14, 2021
Mine lasted the whole pregnancy. 😩


La • Feb 14, 2021
Mine didn't come until like 6w, I found out at 3.5ish weeks. I'm almost 8w now and it's gone again 😂


Posted at
I got a BFP at 9DPO and have had no symptoms at all other then slight cramping and super hungry!! My boobs feel normal.


Dee • Feb 14, 2021
Thank you girl! Sending all the baby dust your way!!! ❤️🤰


Maya • Feb 14, 2021
Congrats😍!!Sorry but I love the two lines tests haha. I had a BFN at 9dpo and I'm not going to retest only if AF doesnt show up. Thanks for your response and I wish you a healthy pregnancy❤️!


Posted at
Only back pain for me, it's now irritating me..l have 5 more days to AF


maria • Feb 15, 2021
I tested on 5dpo which was too early then l gave up on testing but the back pain is too much and l've never experienced before my periods..I have 5 more days before AF


Maya • Feb 15, 2021
For me too?! Did you test and got your BFP? My back pain is constant there, and its not like cramping before period. Just dont know what to think👀


Posted at
I just got my positive test this morning, and my boobs don’t hurt, but omg they itch so bad! I have been rubbing lotion on them for the past few days cuz I thought it was just dry skin.


Ashley • Feb 15, 2021
I was at 13 DPO, and trying reeeeeallly hard not to get my hopes up lol. My husband and I were at the pet store getting stuff for our fish and I was trying to sneakily scratch my boobs and my husband just looked at me, and said “we’re taking a test when we get home.” 😂


Maya • Feb 15, 2021
Hi Ashley which day post ovulation you tested and got your BFP?! Congrats, wishing you a healthy pregnancy💌


Posted at
I'm 5 weeks and havent had a symptom one. Literally feel like 2 million dollars and could run a marathon every day🤷🏼‍♀️ I always thought the same because my first pregnancy (miscarriage) I had super sore boobs and headaches all the time. Goodluck!


Maya • Feb 15, 2021
Lucky has a name. I really wish the same for me me. Thanke you and a healthy pregnancy to you.💌


Posted at
I never got sore boobs with my son. I’m currently 5weeks and no sign of them this time either.


Maya • Feb 15, 2021
I hope I'll be in the same position😇💌


Posted at
I never in my whole pregnancy had sore breasts.


Maya • Feb 15, 2021
This gives me hope💌


Posted at
With my first I tested because of how sore my boobs were (and my nipples being on fire). Second kid I literally only tested because my period was late and expected a neg because I had zero symptoms at all and it stayed that way.


Maya • Feb 14, 2021
Thank you Erica for your response. Hope that I'll get that BFP even though I dont have sore breasts💌