Weird month- help please

Naomi • Healthy baby boy 10.12.18 👶🏼 Miscarriage 08.09.20 at 6W Miscarriage of twins 23.12.20 at 7W5D

Hi ladies,

I usually always ovulated CD14-16 and have a 27-29 day cycle.

I had a miscarriage Christmas time which has obviously made my cycles a bit strange. I have had a period between.

I have no idea what to think about this month.

OPKs are the darkest I’ve ever had but temperatures don’t seem to confirm ovulation for the right days? I felt my usual ovulation cramping but on CD18 (day after my apparent peak). This is late for me and the OPKs have been very dark and we’re for 3 days. Temps seem low after though... usually mine go above 36.5-36.8 after ovulation.

Excuse the number of tests.. I always test negative with fmu and then darker after this.