Labour Signs

Alexandra • BA of Arts Degree Dog Momma 12•01•2019 Eric 03•05•2021 Aurora - May 11•20•2022 Izabella 05•02•2024 Wife 04•03•2021

Good Evening Momma’s...

My estimated arrival date is March 01-07.

• Thirteen to Twenty Days away! 💗

I know the common signs to keep my eye out for - but I am curious what you ladies felt - to keep my eyes open for everything.

So far I’ve been feeling;

• Back Pain (temporary relief lying down & using a heating pad)

• Nausea (no relief)

• Tired 😴 (I feel like I’m running on fumes)

• Lower Abdomen/ Pelvic Cramping for about 3-5 minutes, then nothing for a few hours.

The baby is still moving & quite active, in fact he had the hiccups today - according to my friend.

➡️ Looking for any relief tips you may have - with pain/ nausea.

➡️ Anxiety tips you may have (as I said; it is my first & I am terrified - of every feeling that is new)

➡️ Your labour signs & symptoms.

Thank you in advance for your comments & help! I appreciate it.

*** I have severe anxiety about hospitals, so I don’t want to be going in UNLESS I absolutely need too.

I have severe anxiety, as this is my first pregnancy & I don’t know what to expect. My baby was originally an anterior placenta so I didn’t notice a lot of movement until about a month ago, so when I don’t feel the baby move - or the baby moves differently - I overthink & get anxious. ***