Breastfeeding help!!!

Dajuanna • Mommy of a 5 year old girl 👧🏾and a 4 year old boy 👶🏽 and lost my 3 month old due to SIDS

Hey everyone I gave birth to my third child on 02/11/21 and I'm having a hard time breastfeeding. He has been out for 5 days now and I'm still only seeing colostrum and when I was in the hospital they were worried that he lost to much weight after being born, he was 6 pounds then he gained half a pound, then went down to 5.5 pounds so they had me supplement with formula or else he couldn't leave the hospital.

Very upset but I allowed it and he was able to leave. Now I'm trying to breast feed at home and my finance thinks he's not getting enough from me so he's giving him formula while I'm trying to get my supply up and telling me to pump when I want to exclusively breastfeed.

I really need some advice on what to do and on top of that I'm having problems with latching as well, every time he latches on my nipple hurts I really need some help and some advice on how to establish a good supply and get baby to gain weight without formula.