Hemorrhoids story

Just info for anyone silently suffering and browsing-

I got these once in a while before i got pregnant. No symptoms but sometimes it was painful to have a bowel movement and i saw a tiny bit of blood while wiping.

I got pregnant and thought oh no biggie ive dealt with em before it wasnt that bad...so didnt take precautions.

BIG MISTAKE! Im 25 weeks pregnant and after a bowel movement this past weekend OUT popped a hemorrhoid the size of a small grape!! Tried to wait it out- creams, ice, suppositories, sitz baths... No relief!!!

It started as a pink glob and slowly started getting small purple parts so i finally decided it was time to rock up to the doctor (after 3 days of trying to figure it out) who took one look and said yikes thats a bad one lets get a specialists opinion to see if it needs to be drained.

Specialist takes a look at it and says yeah its bad, but not enough to be cut right now. He slowly pushed it back in and explained if he cuts there is risk of infection and it filling up. He told me to expect more during pregnancy 😭 and to come back post-partem to get a more permanent treatment.

Yall i gotta push that bad puppy in every time it slips out until it runs its course 🥺 i got prescribed laxatives, a cream, and medication to help blood circulation (ie those purple bits)

Im scared to poo... Im scared to sit and pee... Hell im even scared to pass gas for fear itll slip out!!!!!

Just FML this is the WORST dont be stupid like me and stay healthy with your foods and "regular" by drinking lots of water...