My period came today.


Hi ladies, this is my first post on here but I’m feeling so deflated and need some reassurance.

I started my period today, a day early which is really usual. If anything I’m always a few days late. Anyway, I was so certain I would get a BFP this month and now I’m feeling like it’s never going to happen. We’ve been actively trying since October, I started testing ovulation in January and made sure we had time together after getting the peak result but still nothing. I’m probably putting to much pressure on myself but this month it’s really hit me, I want it so badly and I honestly thought this month would be it. Has anyone got any tips or tricks to help speed the process or at least help deal with the sadness that comes from that negative?

Sorry for the long post, I needed to get it off my chest!

Sending baby dust to you all! ❤️

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Posted at
Had a mc in October and have been trying since. Some days are easier than others. just have to keep trying. Good luck!


Jessica • Feb 17, 2021
I’m so sorry to hear that, wishing you all the luck ❤️


Posted at
It’s SO hard! Don’t give up hope however it’s way easier said than done! I have PCOS and with my daughter it took close to a year before getting a positive! I legit never thought that day was coming! Now we are trying for our second baby and it has already been 6 months with no luck! I have been using ovulation tests and everything the entire time! My biggest advice is don’t try to not feel your emotions. It’s okay to cry and be sad about it, with every negative test I had a mini breakdown and let your partner know how you feel, my husband is my biggest support when I feel sad about it! I’m hoping this will be our month but I also try super hard not to get my hopes up! As frustrating as it, just keep on trying❤️❤️ baby dust to you!!


lex • Feb 16, 2021
Thank you💗💗 and yeah at first I would break down completely alone and go through the battle myself until one day I just couldn’t anymore and now it has been so helpful!


Jessica • Feb 16, 2021
Thank you, I’m trying for my second too! Wishing you all the luck and baby dust in the world! I’ll definitely start opening up to my fiancé more too, I need to remind myself that he’s here to support me too! ❤️ x


Posted at
Hello and welcome! As much as it sucks, the start of a new cycle indicates that your body is working properly and preparing itself for the chance of pregnancy this month. We just have to trust that our bodies will produce a baby when the time is right. It will happen. Keep your faith & I hope to see you soon on the pregnancy announcement forum!!!❤️


Jessica • Feb 16, 2021
Thank you so much! It’s just so hard! I’ll keep upbeat and positive and trust in my body that it will happen when it’s ready ❤️ x