**sensitive post ref miscarriage**


It's been a rocky 6 weeks.

I had what I thought was my period and a week later I started OPK testing. To my surprise it was spark raving positive so I took a pregnancy test and also to my surprise it was a faint positive.

As I had a fullish flow a week previously I assumed I had a chemical pregnancy BUT over the course of a week the lines were getting darker. Great news but still concerned about the bleeding I had.

Start to relax...then panic I get spotting told it's ok phew!

Following week spotting again this time red. This time I got a scan and blood tests.

Blood test showed high level of HCG and they were rising not doubling.

1st Scan couldnt find anything

2nd Scan saw a potential sac

3rd Scan saw a confirmed sac but small so they suggested that I am earlier than what I thought and to wait two weeks before next scan

4th Scan saw the sac had grown but not by much and they confirmed no baby 😭😭

The sac is the wrong shape and should be much bigger at this stage. But the sac looked like a love heart ♥️

I had slight bleeding yesterday and today so it looks like I am starting to miscarry. I go back in a week for another scan and to be booked in for a D and C if not passed naturally.

We are absolutely heartbroken but I know it would have been much harder if it happened further on.

It's been awful and it's about to get worse and I will never forget our little peanut but once we can we will be fighting and ready to get our rainbow baby 🌈