40+5 FTM. Baby back to back and not engaged. Can feel the birth I hoped and planned for is drifting away for me.


40+5 FTM. Went for a sweep today after a week of prodromal labour to find out that baby is back to back and not engaged. When the midwife went to do the sweep the babies head just pushes away from my cervix. I am not dilated at all as baby hasn’t been putting pressure on my cervix. They won’t give me a sweep due to the risk of cord prolapse. This was spotted two weeks ago by my midwife but when I went to triage they told me my midwife was wrong and baby was engaged. I am devastated that birth still seems so far away. I have a blood disorder that makes an emergency c-section dangerous for me due to complications with general anaesthetic so if she isn’t engaged by Monday I am expecting my consultants to recommend a planned c-section to mitigate the risk of an emergency one. Has anyone ever experienced a back to back baby not engaging like this with a first baby? I feel like the natural birth I had planned and hoped for is slipping away, trying to get my head around having a c-section. I know I am lucky to be here with a baby in my belly and be healthy etc, but this is tough. I really just want my baby here safely in my arms.