I just need someone to listen..


This is about health I promise.

So last week I went in to set up a regular doctor and get put on a mood stabilizer. No big deal, I thought. Well while I was there I had a heart palpitation, so I got an EKG. I have an AV block, which I've known about for years. Just gives me the irregular heartbeat. The EKG also picked up a left chamber blockage. Not sure of how bad etc. Now, my family history with heart health is TERRIBLE! My mom suffered her first heart attack at 28! I just turned 27. Woohoo for me right me. Anyways, I am worried but I'm trying to give it to God because obviously he knows what he's doing. I feel like no one has time for me to talk about this with. My best friend barely talks to me as is. She's mad I didn't leave my husband a few months back I think(long story). Plus she's pregnant and doing her thing. My mom isn't an emotional get your feelings out person. My husband is worried but I am scared to worry him more. I know it can be fixed or I shouldn't worry that much but my kids are 2 and 4. It scares the jeebies out of me to think about it. Like, I know I'll be okay but can someone freak out with me for a minute. Lol. Thank you