TTC on hold 😭😭😭 my damn thyroid

A Eff • Momma of 18 year old boy, and 6 year old girl, 2 year old son and 5 👼 babies

After 3 miscarriages in 8 months, and getting an endometrial polyp removed we thought was the issue we are putting ttc on hold until I can get my thyroid right. Seeing a reproductive endocrinologist she wants my TSH (thyroid hormone stuff) to be below 2. It’s recommended TSH be below 2.5 while trying to conceive. Even though I had my thyroid checked in November 2020 and it was 3.2 (so higher that it should be) I went and got a ton...a ton, of blood work yesterday and my TSH was 6.1!!!!! My vitamin d was also alarming low, so I’m on 50,000 units for 12 weeks.

So now we will likely be waiting at least a few months for my body to get right. Feeling hopefully this will help get pregnant and STAY pregnant but also completely heartbroken. I’m supposed to ovulate Friday I legit cried putting my ovulation tests away since we won’t even be trying.