Baby Monitor w/ pan/zoom/wide angle/multiple camera functions


For any of you that are on your 2nd or more babies, I was wondering if you have any suggestions for baby monitors? With my first, I chose a cheaper ($79) monitor to put on our registry because I didn’t want any of our friends or family to pay much. My son is 2 now and we’ve used it everyday with no real issues. I don’t even know the name of it, the box was weird... its probably from China.

Anyway, my only complaint is that it doesn’t have remote pan/zoom. I have to manually move it. It’s done it’s job and been fine but now that my son is 2 and is in a toddler bed now, it just doesn’t work for us anymore. I just recently took the front of his crib off because he was climbing/jumping out. He’s going through the 2 year sleep regression and waking up constantly through the night. He wakes up, takes all of his stuffed animals, blanket by the door and tries to get out of his room. Once’s he’s out of his bed, I have to go in there because I can’t see him. It’s been a mess...

Anyway, I want to buy a new monitor set, that has the pan/zoom/wide angle function, that can also connect to at least 2 cameras since baby #2 will eventually be in a separate room too. I’ve found a couple monitors that I put in my cart, then I do more research and read the reviews and I’m getting stuck down Amazon rabbit holes.

People are like they love their monitors and then you read the negative reviews and they’re like “buyer beware!”

I just don’t know what to choose anymore!!! Any help or suggestions are appreciated!