Tired mom ramble at 1am


So when I was pregnant I loved that every night when I was going to sleep my baby would be so active and somehow it like soothed me to sleep lol well he has the same schedule now at almost a month old lol as soon as I’m falling asleep he starts going crazy in his bassinet and usually eats and needs changed all at 1 am and then my night of wake ups begin lol and now that he’s kinda calm I saw a huge spider by my door so of course I turned all the lights on and yelled for my husband to wake up and help me and my child woke up again for a bit lol usually I can kill a spider on my own but this one was big and fast and kept getting away and my dog just stared at it so unhelpful lol so now I’m laying in bed thinking about spiders so I got on tik tok to take my mind off it and try to fall asleep and now my baby is kicking the side of his bassinet and scooting around in there lol if u read this whole thing I apologize for how crazy I ramble on