Need advice..


5th month of ttc.

AF due


I hope this month is the month 🤞 took a test Saturday Sunday and Wednesday and today all BFN

(hoping its just not enough HCG levels)

This cycle my body been different.

First thing I noticed was normally before AF a week and half my boobs feel sore and heavy and nothing until 2 days ago and there not as sore as they normally would be..

Past 2 days also been getting really low back pain.. That goes into my hips I normally get this before AF so nothing new..

For past 12 days iv been having a light CM that is creamy white like a lotion.. Sorry TMI.

Never had it before when AF is Due so that's new. Iv also been checking my cervix it's high closed and soft nothing changed all week as I check twice a day (Been told cervix checking isn't accurate) but I do it anyway.

Had mild headaches too on and off for past 2 weeks feeling a little sicky on and of for just over a week.

Also frequent trips to pee and my urine is darker then usual too.. My areolas are normally pale but now there a bit darker.

I'm tired all the time sleeping more then usual exhausted even tho I'm doing nothing.

Also a little bloated and gassy 🙈

My body has made me all confused this cycle and still waiting for my BFP 🙄😪

What's people's thought?