Clomid Stories please!


Hey beautiful ones! Hope all is well. Ok so after a 5 day delay last week I started AF earlier this week. You can guess.... I am furious. I am like counting the cycles going by. One by one. This must somwhere in the 40s now. Each and everyone a BFN (and 1 chemical). I've finally decided to go a bit more extreme and out of my comfort zone. I've realised I'm gonna need a little extra help..... I'm going on Clomid. So I have been reading up on it lately. I need y'alls opinions. Am I wasting my time and money? How does it work? And another thing.... someone told me that one should think of trying birth control pills for a period perceding the Clomid cycle. Is this effective? Will it affect my fertility? PS: Have been on the 3mnth shot for 4yrs and Im off it for 4 yrs now....