Hubby job Change....

I’m just looking for advice maybe from anyone who has been in a similar situation.

My hubby has a decent job, but it’s a job not a career. He’s maxed out money wise in his position and raises now only consist of “cost of living” which doesn’t cut it. He makes more in this position than most people nationwide make but he doesn’t love it and the company sucks sometimes. He has found a career he would like to go into. It would mean a pretty crazy pay cut initially plus school for a couple of years but also the possibility of raises while he goes to school and gains experience - school can be paid for by the company. In the long run it would mean we could finally own our own home and I could possibly stay home with our babies. I’m super nervous about the money side of things. But I am excited for him to do something he loves. With both our incomes right now we can’t afford to buy a home in our area because prices are crazy. A half million gets you a fixer upper. We are currently living with family saving a down payment on a home but would like to add to our family soon and there’s not a ton of room for us to grow where we are. If we wait until we have a mtg his new temporary low pay wouldn’t be enough to pay the new mortgage.

I feel like there is so much risk involved but also so much reward long term. Would you encourage your husband to jump on it? Suffer for a few years to have a better life or keep plugging away doing the best you can but not really getting anywhere?