Do you find MLMs predatory?


So I saw a post in a Facebook group I’m in the other day regarding MLMs being extremely predatory on both their “team members” and their potential clientele and I’m curious to see what you ladies think of them?

I feel like it really depends on the individual selling. I don’t mind someone simply showing or offering me a product but if it gets to the point where I have to block you from messaging me I feel like it becomes excessive and predatory.

I’ve defintiley had a few people trying to get me to buy random products in a pushy way but the worst example I found to be extremely irresponsible and predatory was this:

A few years back a girl started messaging me that she was selling this keto powder to help you lose weight. I kindly explained to her that I actually had severe GI issues and my body can’t handle anything that’s not easily digestible which is basically the opposite as anything keto. I also told her because of excessive vomiting and inability to digest anything, I had already lost 60lbs in a very short time and it was already at a dangerous level per my doctors and I was getting to the point of being underweight. She kept insisting that this would be okay and wouldn’t agitate my issues at all (which is funny because my issues were so complex I ended up in with the top motility specialist in the city without the usual 6 month wait so he could try to figure it out and ended up with a feeding tube) after I repeatedly told her that I have to watch every little thing that goes in because I don’t know what my body will and will not be able to process and won’t be purchasing her product and she legitimately got angry about that.

So for me that was the first real turn off to these types of companies and their sales methods.

So my question is - do you find these predatory?

Or if you work for an MLM company- do you agree that sometimes it is taken way too far just to get a sale?