No milk to breastfeed

Hi ladies I had my baby on Tuesday afternoon and I had a c- section and since then I’m struggling with breastfeeding. I only have some drops of milk and I’m really upset because she is always hungry and she is crying. So yesterday the midwives recommended me to start formula but they told me to breastfeed her first 20 minutes on each breast and then give her the formula(50 ml). I’m a bit worried that she is not getting enough food . Any similar experiences ? What do you think I should do? I’m really upset I feel like I failed with everything, first I had a c- section and now I can’t breastfeed because of the c-section and my baby is starving. I can’t stop crying.

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Obviously your midwives will know best for your personal situation, but I was actually talking to my sister who is a midwife on labour ward about this the other day. She said so many women have this issue. It usually takes a good 3/4 days for milk to change from colostrum but even for the first few weeks there won’t be much milk. Baby suckling will be what causes your milk to change from colostrum and the production to increase. She said so many women give up breast feeding or switch to formula after a week or so because they think their babies are starving, when in reality this in normal and completely natural. Baby needs to be hungry so they suckle. If they don’t suckle your milk will never come in properly. You just have to be patient and believe it will happen. This information is by no means personal to you thought and I have no idea on your medical background etc. This is just what I was told by her when I ask asking about breastfeeding my baby. She was trying to explain it to me so I would understand it when the time comes. I hope this helps you though :) good luck! Also if you do end up switching to formula you are by no means failing. Don’t beat yourself up. As long as your baby is fed that’s the main thing. Just do what’s right for you and your baby 🤍


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Oh girl, this Tuesday? If that’s the case your milk hasn’t come in yet. Mine came in at 4/5 days. Remember that your babies stomach is sooooo little right now that she doesn’t need a huge amount of milk. I’d assume she’s still get colostrum at this point. Is she peeing and pooping throughout the day?


Glenda • Feb 19, 2021
Try not to fret, your milk will come in, give it time! I know easier said then done but just trying to encourage you.


Maria • Feb 19, 2021
Yeah this Tuesday. She is pooping and peeing but not as much as the first day .


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I had a c section and my milk came in overnight on day 5/6. I supplemented with formula until then!


ariana smols • Feb 19, 2021
And truly I didn’t even try to breastfeed until day 2/3 because the pain was pretty hihh


ariana smols • Feb 19, 2021
He pretty much took 2 oz straight out the womb. They did these things called a ‘boob tube’ where they took formula and had it run a small tube onto my nipple so he would nurse but get the formula and stimulate the nipple


Maria • Feb 19, 2021
How many ml did you supplement with formula?


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Milk doesn’t come in until 2-5 days after so keep breastfeeding. Baby is getting enough through colostrum.


Maria • Feb 19, 2021
I’m day 5 and still no milk 😭


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For most your milk comes in around 3-5 days after baby is born. Keep letting baby nurse as long and as often as baby wants. Also use a SNS, cup or syringe feed the extra milk of they think it's absolutely necessary.


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Have you thought about pumping? I ended up pumping for sometime after having my c section. I feel for you. I also had a c section and did poorly when it can to breastfeeding. I felt so depressed and for a long time about it. Stay hydrated and eat well.