Period in 5 days


Ok I k ow when and how to use this test so I'm going to stop all the thoughts right there.

With that being said, my period is in five days. I have been having pain like when I ovulate. However, these have been a little more intense than usual.

So, I thought maybe I was ovulating twice this month. Things got busy with work and I didnt realize I was 5 days away from my period. But I thought I would take an LH Test to see if my levels were higher than normal. So, I have two different types of test. The ones I have been using never really gave clear defined results and I was just unhappy with then overall. I had some left over of another brand and decided to use it. So, with these it's very clear when I'm high low or at peak never a question.

My question is why would my LH still be on the higher end of neg 5 days away from AF

This is a high reading for me and my peaks are very clear and my low levels are not even half this dark

So any thoughts appreciated