pain during sex


me and my boyfriend was having sex he was coming from behind not anal and I got a terrible pain so I told him to stop and layer on the bed until the pain eased I bad a really weird ringing in my ear I normally get ringing in my wars but not like this it was very deep loud ringing as Iay in the bed with ringing in my ears I felt a bit weird the ringing got quieter next thing I know I am waking up almost to my boyfriend shaking me and gently slapping my face to bring me round and he said I passed out he made sure I was ok but later on my anal area hurt to wipe or sit down or when i layed in bed it would hurt he says he didn't do anal but I'm not Convinced if he did do anal and I've only done that on before or never done it before do you think I could of passed out from the pain I also have asthma and I have been unwell recently but had been feeling a lot better in the few days leading up to this I felt a bit nauseous but it was a lot better then It was before could it of been because of the pain or my athma or because I was recently unwell or maybe all three any advice would be greatly appreciated he did get me a wet towel to wipe my face after as my face was caked in sweat and he got me some water just wondering if any of you know what culd of caused this and have any advice