He can’t make me orgasm

I’ve seen a ton of posts on here like this before and I know this is a really common problem but I still feel like I need some advice. I’ve been with my bf for almost eight months and within the past three or so, I haven’t had an orgasm. When we first started seeing on another I usually had multiple orgasms every time we had sex. But that slowly just declined and now here I am. It isn’t like the sex is shorter now, we have pretty long sex. And he still gives me a lot of personal attention throughout. He’s great at head and very willing to give in general. I just don’t know what went wrong. He’s the kind of guy who always asks if I had an orgasm and he’s been pretty disappointed I haven’t had one in so long. I know he’s getting frustrated but I’m SO frustrated. Sex with him is unappealing 90% of the time and even during the 10% I know I’m not going to get off. We’ve had multiple conversations about this and we routinely mix things up with positions, roleplay, lingerie, toys, you name it. But nothing is working for me. Has this happened to anyone else before? It makes me less interested in him altogether which isn’t fair at all because he’s amazing and I do love him. Any advice? Will this just pass eventually? Help!