What if you took all day to look pretty but...?

I took all day to look pretty I got my facial done my nails done and my makeup and stuff for my husband to come home and cooked him a meal, but at the end of the night he told me some actress is so much better looking than I am and itsmy birthday too so now I’m laying next to him and been crying for an hour while he’s asleep and doesn’t care that he hurt my feelings.

We were siting and eating I was feeding my toddler and out of blue he just made that comment then he said he was joking I take things seriously for no reason like why compare I’m the prettiest but I’m not bad looking either but why make that comment especially if you know the person out so much effort. I had COVID and migraine and depression for about a month now I was finally feeling better this week about myself and the sickness then you do that and it puts me back in square one I’m trying to get myself out of depression. Some men are so inconsiderate