She is here!
So our sweet Jana May is here we live in Kentucky and we were in the middle of a ice storm last two weeks and my OBGYN whose office is 2.5 hours away from our house canceled my 37 and 38 weeks appointments due to the driving conditions lots of back roads to make it to the big town. I was wanting to attempt a VBAC after having a emergency C-Section with my first babe.
Well on Wednesday 2-17-2021 my dr office called to cancel my 39 week appointment and schedule me for a c-section on 2-18. My doctor was worried about the weather and what if’s. I explained to my doctor how I was not prepared to come in the next morning for it because our house had been without power and currently was still out of power while I was on the phone with her so she agreed to let me wait until 2-22 to come in. We were hoping my electric would have electric on by than.
Luckily our electric came on around 1:30pm on 2-17 so I decided to head to the house and get ready and try to get myself into labor naturally at home because I really wanted that VBAC. So I make it home and brew up some Midwives brew and drank it at 3:36pm. My MIL called me up maybe 20 minutes after I drink this nasty stuff to tell me I need to go into town and get propane and a heater to be on the safe side we were due for another round of ice and snow starting at 10pm that evening.
I drove into town and started having contractions as soon as I started walking around waiting for my propane to fill and I noticed them but just pushed them to the side thinking they were braxtons. I make it home a few minutes after my husband gets home and he unloaded the vehicle while I went inside to potty that brew was kicking my butt. Fast forwarding and at about 1:13am my contractions were right at 5 minutes apart for a solid minute for well over a hour. I had not broke my waters or lost my plug at this point and when I looked outside it had snowed around 8 inches at this point.
So I laid down back in bed and continued to have contractions until around 4:45 when my husbands work alarm went off to get ready. I told him he should just plan on taking me to hospital instead as my contractions were becoming very uncomfortable I called my OBGYNS L&D and spoke directly with my doctor who told me she was afraid of the drive for us. But to go to my local L&D to expect a C-Section.
My husband and I talked it over and decided to drive up to our drs L&D instead so I called my MIL and she walked over to watch our son at this point it’s 5:45am. We make it to our Drs at 8:15 to find out our dr actually clocked out at 8am on the dot for a family emergency. So here we are 2.5 hours away from home in labor and my doctor is not able to be there. So they sent the head er doctor down to talk to us and she checked me even though I was having strong contractions and she said I was in labor I wasn’t dilated at all. I was soft and cervix was progressing but that I was at a 0-1 cm. She told me she could do 1 of 2 things.
1 she could admit me to L&D and let me try to go naturally all the way up to Monday, (it was currently Thursday morning) or
2. She could have the head OBGYN could go ahead and do c-section.
My husband and I talked it over between ourselves going over pros and cons of each decision and I decided out of the two options my best choice was the repeat section. 1. My dr who I had personally seen every time wasn’t there. 2. I didn’t know if the other drs were going to be up for a VBAC laboring mom and would try to push me into a section. 3. I didn’t want another emergency on my hands. 4. Who wants to labor at a hospital in a snow storm while your toddler is at your house with MIL and you could lost power at home?
So by 12:15pm on 2-18-2021 my sweet daughter was born at 9.2 lbs and 20 inches long. I am extremely happy with the choice for my second C-section because I get to go home today or tomorrow. Sorry for the long post but I have had no one to tell it to and you all are always there to listen.

Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.