Do I dare??


Okay so Ellie hyper attached to her blanket at a young age and it’s become a big issue. My husband thinks it’s no big deal but my son did the same thing and breaking the blankie habit was ROUGH. Like he’s almost 12 and still has it in his bed haha.

Anyways, the difference is that Ellie is a thumb sucker (🙄) and she likes to hold the corner of the blanket while she sucks her thumb and she even chews on the corners of the blanket often. It’s a standard size baby blanket but she drags it all over the house and honestly even though we wash it often, it’s gross. It is a soothing comfort item for her.

I am really considering buying a sewing pattern and turning it into a bunny. This way she can snuggle it without dragging it and she can chew on the ear 🙄🙄🙄 if she really wants to. But I am TERRIFIED that if I do this she will be so upset and hate me forever 😂

So would you do it or no?

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